Messages Explorer FAQ

How to install Messages Explorer

After purchasing, you'll be able to download onto your OS X 10.8+ or Windows 7/8 PC

What does it cost

Messages Explorer is $19.99. It's the only PC app that can extract your Messages and attachments directly for your iOS device. It is also the only PC app that can beautifully display and search your messages.

Is there a trial/Is it Free

No. We put a lot of time in developing Messages Explorer. If you like what you see from the screenshots, please buy it - you'll love the app.

How does Messages Explorer extract Messages from the iOS Device

For non-jailbroken iPhones, Messages Explorer uses the Mobile File Relay service that Apple maintains on the iOS device. For jailbroken iOS devices, Messages Explorer will use AFC2 when available.

How does Messages Explorer use Backups

Messages Explorer can extract Messages from an existing Backup or create a new Backup using an existing Backup as a starting point to only download changed files from the iOS device.

Can I extract an encrypted Backup

Yes - if you have the password it was encrypted with.